Like most good start-ups, Strataji was an answer to a problem making well informed condo purchases easy for everyone.

All of the information, right from the source

Exclusive Partnerships

We are exclusive data partners with the leading property management companies in the country.

Automated Feeds

Get first party information from Strataji through a secured and automated data pipeline.

Meet The Founders

Nick Williams

Nicholas Williams

Serial Tech Entrepreneur
Convertus: Co-Founder
$0 Capital / $18m Sale to AutoTrader/Team of 75

Master of Delivery
AutoTrader: VP Software Engineering & Operations
Led the team responsible for the largest technology event in Canadian automotive industry

Real Estate Investor
Bwaha Holdings: Founder
$5.5m in Holdings/Multiple MUR Properties

Kamran Khan - Vancouver, BC

Kamran Khan

Software Visionary
AutoTrader: Director of Software Engineering
Primary software architect behind the build of the industry’s most widely used web platform

Technical Wizard & Developer Extraordinaire
Convertus: Team Lead — Project Achilles
Directly responsible for a unit of 20 software developers